The RAMS / NATO STO HFM-350 Aerospace Medicine Summit and Technical Course, was held in Germany from 22 to 25 March 2022, now hosted by a large hotel complex in Garmisch-Partenkirchen which replaced the Ramstein military base.
It should be remembered that this congress brings together NATO member countries and guests, and that it is willingly oriented towards operational aeronautical medicine, as shown by the presence in particular of doctors in charge of aircrew working in airborne units, which come dressed in aircrew uniforms.
This congress also brings together other physicians with expertise in aerospace medicine for presentations that are more focused on clinical expertise and research.
This year's meeting brought together over 200 practitioners under the central topic: "Flying through uncertainty".
The practical organisation of the different parts of the congress was orchestrated by Great Britain, and all the oral communications were presented in a plenary.
The following scientific sessions were conducted, for a total of 38 presentations : Space Medicine & Aeromedical Standards; Psychology and Mental Health; Pulmonary Medicine; Aeromedical Case Studies; COVID & Aeromedevac; Altitude, Oxygen, and Neurology; Vision & Vestibular; Workload and Fatigue; Fighter & Rotary-Wing Operations; Aerospace Cardiology; Aeromedical Education & Training; and a special mention for this original panel: "Optimising the Health, Safety and Performance of Female Aircrew".
There was also a 9-posters session, as well as discussions in working groups set up during the event.
The whole event was rounded off with the traditional Gala dinner.